Senior cycling takes off

Senior cycling takes off

We were approached by Ms Tracey who takes care of the elderlies in Home Nursing Foundation active aging centre. They have kick start a cycling programme with more than 20 seniors signing up. Tracey shared that a few low income seniors would love to join the cycling programme but has no bikes and unable to afford one. 

Senior cycling seems to be taking off as this is the third active aging centre we sent bikes to. Currently, there are more than 200 aging centres in Singapore. 

Following a collaboration with Home Nursing Foundation, we received 2 folding bikes donation that were suitable. Thank you Ms Veronica and Mr Boon for your kind donation💜. 

Lastly, David and I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the student members of NUS SAVE who share the same vision in the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Ms Vania and her team organised a event to raise funds through recycling unwanted/abandoned items in their university to sponsor the repairs and refurbishment of these 2 folding bikes. We are very encouraged and touched by their support💜. 



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