

You can join our cause by sponsoring a bicycle to be sent to a low income family. Here are some of our guidelines:

  • It is our policy to send a bike only to a beneficiary that is verified to be low income by a Institute of Public Character, Govt official or a senior professional (such as a doctor, lawyer, police officer or school principal).
  • Beneficiaries who receive the bike sign a documentation to complete the transfer of ownership and therefore, if you wish to donate a bike, we need you to sign our sponsorship form to confirm you can legally give the bike away. 
  • Every bike we send out needs to be serviced, checked and certified fit for use. We feel it is unbecoming to gift bikes that are in need of servicing and/or a danger to use.
  • We will only use Sponsorship funds to purchase a bike if we do not have one that is suitable for the beneficiary. For example, an adult tricycle or this single mother who requires a compact foldie for work. 
  • By default, sponsors, donors and beneficiary identities are kept confidential unless written instructions are given to waive this confidentiality. Please give us your photo, name, logo and the description for us to recognize your sponsorship on our blog and social media (see example of private sponsor here)
  • Similarly, our beneficiaries are by default are kept confidential too. We are not obligated to provide you with their information if they choose to remain anonymous. This is consistent with how all charities and IPCs operate in Singapore. 

If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Otherwise, please click the button to proceed.