My Story, HIS story

My Story, HIS story

I get a lot of questions about whether I am an avid cyclist or bike enthusiast.

Well, I do enjoy cycling but when you don't own a car and cycle your kids to school everyday, rain or shine, it very quickly becomes a non-hobby.

But one thing I am enthusiastic about is my faith. I make no excuses nor keep secret that I am a Christian. And for me, to be a follower of Jesus means to love God and love your neighbor. Do I need to be rich to love God & neighbor? I think the answer is rather self-evident. 

So the reason I do this is because in the bible Luke 7v47, it says "..those who are forgiven much, love much". I am so glad that Jesus came for people like me - the sinners, the sick and the unclean.

In Matt 6v21 Jesus says "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also", so I have decided to give Him my heart. One day when I see Him and he wants to return it, I can tell Him "Keep it Lord, it's much better with You than with me"

You can also hear my story here.

MSHS.David from SJSM Church on Vimeo.



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