Last year was challenging and this year is no different, if not harder.
Firstly, our unit at IMM persistently leaks during thunderstorms (read about it here) and we do not have enough space to store donated bikes, train volunteers or speed up repairs with only one repair station. We need your ideas on how to find rent-free sustainable premises either from the govt or property owners. Maybe you could speak to your MP, write a petition or speak to someone influential on our behalf.
Secondly, we may have given out more bikes than we received sponsorship for. We have a long queue of low income families waiting for bikes but need sponsorship to fund repairs, labor and parts. Please consider supporting us by speaking to your employer for corporate sponsorship or even contributing a love gift to keep us going.
Most of all, pray for God to give us strength to keep going and give us the support we need to bless those we serve.