We sent 2 bikes to this family of 8+1!
Mr & Mrs Akif is expecting a baby soon and with so many mouths to feed, Mr Akif works 10 hours a day to provide for his family. He requested a bike to get additional income by working part time in food delivery.
After speaking with him, we decided to send him a kids bike (Giant XTC Junior) along with the Peugeot mountain bike David fixed up for Mr Akif.
It was fortunate for Mr Akif that Mr Aizuddin from Masjid Sultan (see our previous post 'Food Bouncer') who kindly facilitated a collaboration with Masjid Al-Mawaddah, another Muis assisted mosque.

I helped David send the bikes and received numerous stares along the way 🤭! You can also see the responses from the online community on my Facebook post.
Our thanks to Chairman of Al-Mawaddah and appreciation to bike donors who choose to remain anonymous.
Bike repairs sponsored by Jaxon and Lee H B.